俎涛 发布于 2020-12-25 浏览 1815
最近发现学习英语应该结合科学知识一起进行,这样的英语学习更加自然和吸引人。 下面这个视频很好,内容充实、英语清晰、讲解生动。 准备为其中的视频配上概念图,方便读者,如下是第一篇的概念图(CML):
视频中的文字说明: A plant is a living thing that grows in the ground. It needs air ,water and sunlight.
A plant has several parts. The root of a plant take in water and hold the plant in the soil. A stem carries food and water through the plant. It holds the plant. A leaf takes in light and air. Leaves help the plant get food.
Plants have flowers. Flowers make fruit . Flowers are very beautiful. Fruit is the part of the plant with seeds. Apples and lemons are common type of fruit. Branch is an arm-like part of a tree. |